Friday, 24 August 2012


The cot quilt that I am making for a customer in Spain is all ready to be sandwiched and quilted.

This is the stage when I have to make the decision about whether to hand quilt or machine quilt.  All my quilts are hand finished.

Machine quilting gives much more strength to an item and is quicker but hand quilting is very restful and pleasant to do sitting under the apple tree on a fine, sunny day in my lovely country garden.

Talking of gardens we picked 1kg of each of Runner and French beans today.  So that's another job, processing them all to put into the freezer to make sure we have a supply of lovely green vegetables during the winter.

I love the Autumn, or at least the late Summer, when all the products of our hard labour earlier in the year comes to fruition and we can process it and put it away for the Winter. 

We have had hard Winters for the past few years, indeed, in February, 2010, the snow flakes were so large they looked like prawn crackers coming out of the sky.  That was a memorable night when my neighbour rang me to say we had fireworks outside.  I looked out of my cottage door and, yes, we had.  The weight of the snow had brought down our main electricity cable with much spectactular sparking and banging.

Our local Electricity company were wonderful and worked all night to get our power on by the next morning. 

 I love working by candle light so it was no hardship to me; we just stoked up the woodburner and stayed cosy all night.

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